Jewellery in Revolt
During the post-war period, there was a significant shift in societal norms and censorship. This led to battles over what was considered acceptable behavior and personal expression became politicized through fashion choices.
In particular, jewellery played a role in this revolt against traditional codes of society
Group of like minded people were creatively uncoupling cloth and jewellery from the norms using the active principal of remix, transforming and provocation.
Group adhesion to specific codes was the watchword for these hippies, punks, bikers, goths, glam, rock, drag and androgynies…
Rejecting the idea of conformity, people began to use their jewelry as a form of transgression, breaking away from traditional designs and styles that were seen as too conservative or conformist.
The deconstruction of these codes allowed for more freedom in self-expression and challenged the status quo.
The personal was (re) politicized and the body became a battlefield saturated with political and moral commitment.
Jewellery as such is losing its traditional dimension and is now seen as part of certain lifestyles rather than just adornment.